Physical activity guidelines for older adults interpreted by BHF National Centre for practical use


This series of three booklets is designed to assist those who work with older people to interpret the UK Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines which were introduced in July 2011.

For the first time these guidelines provided recommendations for the amount of physical activity older people over 65 should be doing to benefit their health. The guidelines were designed for use by practitioners so these BHFNC interpretation booklets have been designed to help translate these into messages appropriate for older people.

There are three booklets designed to reflect the differences among the older population:

Active older adults
those who are already active either through daily walking, an active job and/or who are engaging in regular recreational or sporting activity

Older adults in transition
older people whose function is declining due to low levels of activity and too much sedentary time, who may have lost muscle strength and/or are overweight but otherwise remain reasonably healthy

Frailer, older adults
those who are identified as being frail or have very low physical or cognitive function, perhaps as a result of chronic disease such as arthritis, dementia or advanced old age itself.

Download: Interpreting the physical activity guidelines for active older adults

Download: Interpreting the physical activity guidelines for older adults in transition

Download: Interpreting the physical activity guidelines frailer, older people

Similar booklets will be published soon interpreting the UK physical activity guidelines for other age groups. Keep an eye on for more information.